Diwali : A festival or threat to nature ?


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Diwali A Hindu festival which means "victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance." But nowadays what we really mean by it 'crackers' Before five days of Diwali people especially children start burning crackers if you want to burn something then burn the evil which is present inside you. If you want to really celebrate Diwali then celebrate it in others happiness. You all are spending a large amount of money on crackers instead of that we can spend it on the clothes for poor people. The happiness you will feel after donating them is real happiness. You can light the lamps and make rangolis. Have you ever thought in Diwali about heart patient's and people with breathing problems and animals?

Image result for pollution of crackers on diwaliDo you know?

On every Diwali 60,000 tones of carbon dioxide is released. It takes an entire lifetime of 5000 trees to offset this carbon dioxide. This big amount of carbon dioxide is released on one day only. See the pollution of crackers. Remember one thing it will harm us only one day.

Eco-Friendly crackers                     

Image result for DiwaliIf you want to burn crackers then our government has recently announced 'Green crackers' which emit up to 35 percent less soot and gases and these are ready for release in the market. It should be ensured that these crackers are available in every store. This will encourage people to buy it more and more than the simple crackers.

Happy Diwali to all. This time Diwali of happiness, not pollution. 


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