Uniform Civil Code: One nation One Code

What is the Uniform civil code?

Uniform civil code (UCC) means a common set of laws for everyone replacing the personal laws based on scripture, culture, and religion. These laws are famous for public law and cover marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc.

In Indian constitution

Besides this, it is also mentioned in article 44 of directive principles that 'the state shall endeavor UCC to be implemented in the country. In fact, in India it is implemented in Goa.

Actually, it is in the talk in the Indian parliament after the many cases like Shah Bano case, etc.

Why UCC should be implemented

Almost all the countries of the world have a common civil code for all their citizens. The basic idea behind the formulation of a uniform civil code is to end discriminations based on religions. Personal law of nearly all the religions has acted as a tool of oppression of the women through which they are suppressed most of the times citing religious and social obligations. Personal laws have always played a big role in causing the rise of gender discrimination.

Why UCC should not be implemented

In diverse and secular countries like India, it is difficult to implement UCC because there is every religion in the country and different personal laws and it would be difficult to agree with all the people and it could not be implemented directly otherwise the country'economy can fall.

Sol'-People should be given knowledge for it and it should be implemented slowly.

Advantages of Uniform civil code

  • It will provide equal status to all citizens irrespective of their class, caste creed.
  • It will promote gender equality 
  • To support national integration
  • It will bypass the issue of reform of existing personal laws
  • It will help and accelerate national integration
Conclusion after implementing UCC
Image result for uniform civil code
Form my opinion after implementing the UCC the biggest benefit will be that all people get equal
 rights and all issue of personal laws will pass and the country will progress. I would like to say that citizens belonging to different religions and denominations follow different property and matrimonial laws which is not only an affront to the nation's unity but also makes one wonder whether we are a sovereign secular republic or a loose confederation of feudal states, where people live at the whims and fancies of mullahs, bishops, and pundits.


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